The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda has implored Personal Assistants ,Secretaries and Typists to uphold integrity in their work.

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda addressing Personal Assistants, Secretaries and Typists at a workshop held at Sarovar Hotel In Lusaka.

Speaking when he officially opened a workshop for ZRA Personal Assistants, Secretaries and Typists, Mr. Chanda reiterated the need for ZRA employees to live the core values of the Authority in executing the collective mandate of collecting revenue for the Republic of Zambia.

He said Personal Assistants, Secretaries and Typists play a critical role in meeting the objectives of the Authority, hence the need to continuously improve their skills and capacity building.

Mr. Chanda reminded the workshop participants that their role in ZRA does not end at performing their internal duties but that their duties extend to taxpayer focus.

He said lack of integrity in Tax Administration costs time, money, undermines service delivery and can weaken the credibility of ZRA to taxpayers.

The Commissioner General reminded the participants to take personal development as an important aspect of their careers beyond the current positions.

To that effect, he has encouraged the Director Human Resource to identify areas of need for those with higher qualifications and are seeking career development opportunities.

And ZRA Integrity Committee (ZRAIC) Chairperson Moses Shuko has encouraged the participants to take a self-introspection of their contribution to the enhancement of integrity in ZRA.

Mr. Shuko, who is also Commissioner Indirect Taxes, said management’s resolve in matters of integrity is clearly seen by the resources and time that is committed to activities that promote integrity.

ZRA Integrity Committee Chairperson Moses Shuko giving opening remarks at the workshop

He said the Integrity Committee has been tasked with the responsibility of developing and implementing strategies that enhance integrity in the Authority as a means of improving service delivery.

The one-day workshop taking place at Sarovar Hotel in Lusaka, has been organised under the theme “Professional Best Practices.

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